
Bits and pieces


An update on various smaller things I've finished recently. Some miscellaneous little things, which don't account for much on their own, but all together make for a nice post, I would think. :)

First up, I needed a cabinet to give the turntable a nice spot in the roombox.

I made a very simple design, which would house the turntable on top, a stereoset in the upper sections, and lot's of room for all the records. (In our real house we already have too little room, and my boyfriend has started using my closetspace to stash his collection. Not in the mini house!)
To add a bit of interest, I wanted to make some hairpin legs to go underneath. By the way, the cabinet is again made of thick cardstock, which I stained with a grey copic marker. It made for a nice dusty finish.

For the stereo I printed the front of an eighties sony stereo, similar to one we have in real life, and added some glossy paper on the little screens and a volume button. Some scrap black foamboard had the perfect thickness to be used as a body.

Then by chance I found this old foam cutting mat, which when painted with my all purpose black sharpie had the perfect texture for a pair of speakers. 
I made some matching boxes from my floor veneer, and voila!

And when everything was put together, it looked like this:

For now I'm quite satisfied, but of course the record collection needs constant new supply, as that's my boyfriend's favourite part of the whole roombox. ;)

And now for something different. A while ago I found this little plastic profile in the discount bin of the local model building shop. It's actually quite handy for modern painting frames. It's soft, and easy to cut.

I used the larger end to go over the painting, and the shorter side of the 'L' shape perfectly hides the three layers of the Rothko painting here. The bottom layer is the painting itself, which I covered in a layer of mod podge. Again a great tip from http://fabulouslysmall.blogspot.nl/ I believe. She's truly fabulous! Then the 'glass' layer.

I love the mix of old and new in interiors.

And then some last bits and bobs. These tiny succulents I made from polymer clay. I forgot to put in a coin for scale, but the lower one is about 1 cm tall.

Two electrical sockets, and the headphones because I really wanted to try out the tutorial from the amazing http://minibase.blogspot.nl/, both made with polymer clay. My headphones work with bluetooth, becaause I didn't have anything on hand that could serve as convincing wire. ;) The two paintings were made with the same process as the Rothko above.

That was it! I hope you liked this little post of various things. Now for a nice shelving unit to display everything in my roombox... Next project!

Till the next time,

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6 reacties

  1. The dust!!! Ok, so all of it is wonderful, but the dust just makes it all seem so real. Anyone who has owned a stereo cabinet knows dust is impossible to remove. :D Great work!

  2. It all looks so realistic. I love the foam used on your speakers - it looks amazing =0D

  3. I'm dying right now seeing what you created, it's just amazing! This looks pretty real and each piece is wonderful. Thanks for trying out my tutorial, your bluetooth :D headphones look even better than mine I must admit, I really like the color. I also like the little plants, everything fits perfectly together :) More please!

  4. Amazing work! Love the music cabinet and speakers! And those flower vases are great!

  5. Great selection of wonderful mini's you've made Rebecca! And again I feel flattered, thank you! Oh, I didn't know there were this small/thin corner profile.. I've made a frame like that a few months ago (for a scene that still needs finishing), but had to make a jig to cut strips of different thickness modelers plastic, glue that to make the corner/angle etc. Smart way to make the cabinet, looks very convincing! And those speakers are so real and fun, as are the plants and those headphones (great tutorial by Susi), too much to mention :D
